Idea for January 2025: the chart of everything

I came across this in the Economist over the holidays. It’s mind-blowing really: two physicists in Australia have mapped everything in the universe on one chart. The horizontal axis is size, and the vertical axis is mass - so the biggest, heaviest things are at the top right (things like clusters of galaxies).

What’s really fascinating is the areas where objects can’t exist - at the top left, because gravity would squash them into black holes. And at the bottom left, because of quantum uncertainty, they could never be pinpointed. (No, I don’t really understand that bit either.)

Anyway, there’s a better explanation, and cool graphics, in the Economist. Do have a look (it may be behind a pay wall).

Image credit: Charles H Lineweaver & Vihan M Patel, doi: 10.1119/5.0150209.


Idea for February 2025: recycling


Idea for December 2024: imagination science