Learning and teaching


Become a brand leader

If you’re starting out on a career in branding, join my unique one-year postgraduate course at the University of East Anglia.

The course gives you all you need to become an outstanding brand strategist. And you’ll get a network of contacts to get you into the industry.

We have over 200 graduates, almost all of them in exciting careers in branding and marketing.


Learn branding for free

If you’d like a quick, interactive overview, join our free online course, The Secret Power of Brands.

You’ll learn through videos, articles, quizzes, creative tasks and a lively online conversation with classmates.

Almost 100,000 people have already signed up for this 5-star rated course.

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Help your company learn

The key to growth for organisations is learning.

I’ve helped develop learning strategies for large organisers like Daimler and Allianz GI, using the power of online social learning.

I’ve run classes at companies like Danone and Ericssson.

And I’ve taught at Copenhagen Business School, London Business School, LSE, Northwestern and many others.

Get in touch and let’s explore what your people could learn.