Idea for January 2022: metaversity
My idea of the month is metaversity
This idea doesn’t really exist yet. But in a metaverse culture, what should a university be like? How could we help people learn about multiple worldviews, using multiple formats, tapping into multiple universities, looking not just to describe but to change – and in direct, hands-on ways? Maybe we can invent such a thing in 2022. (The word does exist, in this film, from a company called DoubleMe, with the admirable tagline ‘Life is shallow. We add depth’.)
My image of the month is this Swedish self-portrait
A detail from a self-portrait by the Swedish artist Lennart Rosensohn (1918-1994), made at the start of the second world war. I love his eyes, and his green moustache. Bought from our friends at Scout.